Local Organisations

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Links to information about organisations in the Claverton area are provided below. Please let us know of any other organisations you would like included.

Neighbourhood Watch

American Museum

Bath Cats & Dogs Home

Kennet & Avon Canal Trust

Bathampton Angling Association

Amalgated Fisheries Ltdformerly Bristol, Bath and Wiltshire Amalgamated Anglers

Claverton Pumping Station

Claverton & District Horticultural Society

Bathampton Art Group

University of Bath Sports Training Village

Bath Museums & Galleries

Bath Charities 

Bath Girl guides, Bath District Scouts

The following national and regional organisations are relevant to the Claverton area:

Natural England (the land adjacent to Claverton Pumping Station and the River Avon has Open Access status under an agreement with Natural England).

Campaign to Protect Rural England ( CPRE) – the Parish Council is a Member.

Cotswolds Conservation Board (Claverton Parish/Limpley Stoke Valley lie entirely within the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty)





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