Neighbourhood Plan

Published by Admin on


In 2011, the Localism Act introduced a new opportunity for local communities to shape their future formally, as part of the planning system through the development of Neighbourhood Plans. 

In 2015 Claverton Parish Council considered whether the development of such a plan would be of any benefit to the Parish. Based on advice including that from the local authority and taking into consideration the level of effort required to produce such a plan it was felt there would be very little additional benefit to the Parish. Being in Claverton Conservation Area, The Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, a Strategic Nature Area, within the Green Belt and open countryside it was felt that these designations would provide sufficient protection for the future development of the Parish.

What has changed?

Reforms introduced by the Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017, which came into force in July 2017, now mean the Local planning authority or other planning decision makers now have to take account of approved Neighbourhood Plans when considering planning applications. 

Bath & North East Somerset Council (B&NES) have been undertaking reviews of a number areas relating to their Core Planning Strategy, Local Green Space Designation and Placemaking Plans some of which may in time be detrimental to the character of Claverton.

At the August 2017 Parish Council meeting it was decided that it was now appropriate to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for Claverton. The Parish council has applied to B&NES for the whole Parish of Claverton to be designated a Neighbourhood Area. There is a six-week consultation period starting 1st September until 29th September. You will be able to view this and make comments if you so wish on the Council website using this link  Once approval is granted then the Parish Council will be able to develop a Plan.

The Process and Content

We must follow a clearly defined process, which includes specific steps and formal public consultations with the community and independent reviews. 

We will be asking the community about the issues and areas you would like to protect or enhance and may be of concern to you. We will then develop the most relevant strategic policies to reflect and manage your aspirations, which may cover for example

  • Retention of the character of Claverton.
  • Development & Building which is sympathetic to the existing character of Claverton.
  • Protecting and conserving the environment within the bounds of the character of Claverton.
  • Maintaining and retaining green spaces into the future.

It must be evidence based. Whilst we have lots of information about the Parish to support such a plan, all the data will need to be reviewed, updated and supported by verified data. In some instances, this will require the use of external consultants. 

We will need ensure the widest possible awareness and involvement across all groups whether residential, business, social, and across all age groups.

Once we have an agreed Plan it will be examined by a government approved public examiner and then subject to a referendum.   

What will be achieved at the end of the process?

Claverton will have a clearly defined Neighbourhood Plan setting out the policies which define how Claverton will change and develop over the coming years. 

Once approved it will be a legally binding planning document which the Planning Authorities will have to adhere to.


Next Steps

As you will appreciate the development of the Plan will be significant and important for the future of Claverton Parish. It will involve much interaction within Claverton’s community, when you’ll have the opportunity to find out more about what the plan contains and contribute your views and ideas on the future of Claverton.  We look forward to lots of discussion and hope you will all support the development of the plan.

The development of the plan will be coordinated on behalf of the Parish Council, by Vi Jensen, supported by Glennis Naylor.

An essential part of the process is to set up a working group which is representative of the component parts of the parish and its activities, so if you are able and interested in being a part of this working group and assisting with the development of the Plan, please get in touch with Vi Jensen (480019 or email by Saturday 16th September.  Please also get in touch with Vi if you have any queries.

Updates on progress will appear in the Newsletter each month.

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